Connecting consumers with sustainably farmed fish.
Photo courtesy of Blue Ocean Mariculture
Find product you can trust!
Several responsible examples of sustainably farmed fish exist right here within the US.
Asking for local US-raised farmed fish is an excellent starting point to experiencing the clean fresh flavor of sustainably farmed fish.
Consider supporting sustainable aquaculture legislation in your state to bring good clean product as local as possible.
See Where To Buy and ask for the following brands at your local grocer.
This campaign is funded by NOAA Sea Grant National Aquaculture Initiative grant R/SFA/N-8, led by the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington. The research team has engaged select US-based farmed fish producers who have made in-kind contributions in the form of their time answering interview questions about their practices, and providing photo resources credited throughout the website.